Meet the Leaders



Georgetown University, B.A., Art History, B.A., French

Camila is a Hawaii-born Spaniard with an interest in art, language, and literature. She grew up partially in Madrid and studied abroad in France during college. After graduating from Georgetown, she worked as a Spanish–English translator at a law firm in Chicago and as a communications officer at a school in Hawaii, reporting on issues pertaining to education and campus life. She then moved to a small town in southern France where she taught English as a second language. In her free time, Camila surfs, hikes, and cycles. In the fall, she will pursue a master’s degree in human rights in Germany. She is fluent in Spanish and French, and is learning German.


University of North Carolina Asheville, B.A., Spanish and English; Universidad San Jorge, Master propio, Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages; University of Virginia, M.A./Ph.D., Spanish (candidate)

During college, Daniel taught ESL students, served as the director of the Spanish tutoring lab, and volunteered with the Scholars’ Latino Initiative. He worked as a Teaching Assistant in Spanish 300 (Oral Skills) alongside one of his professors. He spent a summer in Panajachel, Guatemala, and a semester studying abroad in Chester, England. After earning his bachelor’s degree, Daniel lived in Zaragoza, Spain, for a year to pursue a master propio at Universidad San Jorge. While there, he taught English and Spanish literature at the bilingual academy, LaSalle Montemolín, and traveled extensively throughout Spain. He is currently pursuing a dual M.A./Ph.D. at the University of Virginia and teaching intermediate Spanish courses to undergraduates. Daniel is fluent in Spanish.