Gorgeous Granada Days: La Alhambra and a Spanish Scavenger Hunt

We got off to a great start in Granada today! On our first full day here, we went straight to the gorgeous Alhambra complex and visited the three palaces (which all date back to the 14th century) as well as the many gardens. The students (as well as their guides) were absolutely in awe of the beauty of the location, as well as all of the history and its conservation. Here’s a quick snapshot of what we saw this morning:


We couldn’t have been luckier with the weather. It was sunny but not too hot the entire time.


The views from the top of la Alhambra were amazing.


Our group had fun exploring this magical space together.


Admiring the craftwork and posing for pictures, two of the morning’s primary activities. Here, Martha, Lauren, and Doug take in the scene.


Such a colorful place for such colorful people! Kudos to Sami and Jilly for always being so positive — and photogenic!


Jen and Mel, enjoying the shade of the palm trees, are all smiles as always.


Jack took many wonderful photos of the complex -— thanks for sharing, buddy!

After a hearty lunch (well-deserved, given all the walking we did in the morning), we had some free time to explore the city on foot and do some shopping. Then, in the afternoon, we got into three groups and competed in a photo scavenger hunt game. Some of the items on the list included visiting scenic points and searching for statues, while others were more experiential: find a guitarist playing in the street and pay them a compliment; say olé to a flamenco dancer; toss a coin into a fountain for good luck. There were also some vocabulary-building items, such as identifying abanicos (fans) and castañuelas (a musical instrument used by dancers in flamenco).

It was a close hunt, but in the end the team with Roger, Sami, Emma, Jen, Teddy, and Shelby won the game, although everyone loved the chance to explore the city with a challenge and a purpose. After the hunt, we enjoyed a Moroccan dinner complete with tagine and couscous, along with baklava for dessert. Everyone is now peacefully sleeping and awaiting tomorrow’s activities. We are going on an olive oil tour at a nearby estate in the morning, and in the evening we will enjoy a live flamenco show in the moonlit gardens of La Alhambra. Can’t wait!

Hasta pronto,

Camila y Daniel