Chilling in Cuenca, Continued

Our week in Cuenca has flown by! We’re all really starting to appreciate how precious our time is here in España, and our collective experiences this week have brought us closer together. Just this week we’ve been kayaking, played soccer, gone swimming, visited museums (an abstract art museum, a natural history museum, and a paleontology museum), hiked, and danced alongside our new Spanish friends. We also got the chance to celebrate Martha’s birthday in typical Spanish style, enjoying the summer night ambiance at a tapas festival in the town gardens.


A scenic view of Cuenca from a mirador, or lookout.


Mel and Shelby with their Spanish hermanas.


The beautiful city streets in the old town of Cuenca.


Learning Spanish songs while hiking our way through Cuenca.


The men of our trip, looking mighty fine!


Rowing lazily down the Río Júcar.


Supervised fun in the Disco! Everyone had a blast at our “whiteout” party, dancing to latin beats and modern classics with the group.


A girl group photo on our last night, at a restaurant that overlooks the valleys and the town below.


Saying “hasta la próxima” to our new friends!

Sadly, we had to say goodbye to our Spanish hermanos y hermanas today, but the group is off to our next big adventure in Granada tomorrow! We’re taking the opportunity to stop over in Jaen and visit the famous cathedral there on the way, so we will be making the most of our trip tomorrow. And then on Monday, we’ll be visiting the famous Alhambra! More on that to come…

Besos y abrazos,
Camila y Daniel